
Action and Adventure voted the most popular video game genres in Australia

When it comes to tech trends, Australia often seems to be a step ahead of the rest. That’s partly a result of the nation’s tech readiness and partly due to Australia being a popular choice for limited releases of new titles.

A recent survey of more than 1,400 Australian gamers to find the most popular genre is therefore not just of interest Down Under but also in the wider world. Here, we take a look at some of the key findings.

Action and adventure tops the list

The Action and Adventure genre is consistently popular in these kinds of surveys because it encompasses so many top titles. These include perennial favorites like Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War, both of which are in the Top 10 games in Australia despite having been around since 2018.

It’s not just established classics, however. Elden Ring is another title in the Action and Adventure category that has joined the top five games overall among Australian players since its launch last year. Also, the new The Legend of Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom has achieved strong early sales.

Casino games continue to grow in popularity

In 2021, visits to online casinos by Australian gamblers increased by 50 percent year on year. That was partly precipitated by wider global events and the temporary closure of land-based casinos. However, even with life back to normal and casinos fully open, punters continue to search for the best sites for Australian pokies online. That’s partly down to the convenience of having the casino come to you rather than vice versa, but that doesn’t tell the full story.

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Online platforms do not have the same overheads as land-based casinos in terms of salaries, utilities, maintenance costs and so on. That means they can operate to tighter profit margins and can pass on the savings to customers in the shape of bonuses and promos. They are also free from the space limitations of a physical casino and can therefore offer a wider choice of gaming experiences.

Battle Royale games reflect a growing interest in eSport

Fortnite is, by some margin, the most popular game in Australia. It almost single handedly accounts for the Battle Royale genre taking the third-place spot, although PU:BG and Call of Duty also have strong player bases.

Fortnite is also one of the fastest growing eSport games in terms of participation. It’s still early days but it suggests that the days of Counter Strike and Dota 2’s domination could be on the wane. One thing is certain – eSports popularity in Australia has never been higher and is influencing gaming habits like never before.

Sport remains a fundamental Aussie passion

In the previous section, we referenced the rapid reaction to eSport at grass roots level. Its growing profile has driven educators to get it embedded in school educational programs. That’s the attitude that has helped Australia compete on the international stage against other nations that that might have ten times the talent base from which to choose. For example, only last month, Australia beat India in the cricket World Cup final.

The passion for sport extends to Australia’s gaming habits. FIFA’s transition to EA 24 has done nothing to dampen enthusiasm for the most popular sport game in the world. Soccer might not be as big at pro level in Australia as cricket or rugby, but it is as popular a participation sport as anywhere. NBA2K is not far behind, reflecting the huge growth of basketball in Australia over the past decade.

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Puzzle games have universal appeal

Gaming is not just for youngsters anymore, at least not in Australia. 80 percent of adults play games regularly, including three quarters of over-50s. This latter factor has boosted the popularity of puzzle games. Word games like Wordle and the ever-popular Words With Friends are among the top trending titles.

Crossy Road, the latter-day update of Frogger that was developed by Australia’s own Hipster Whale is another puzzle game whose popularity shows no sign of diminishing. This is in spite of the fact that it will celebrate the 10-year anniversary of its release in 2024.

A look at the rest

RPGs such as the Final Fantasy franchise remain popular among Australian gamers but have been squeezed out of the top five this year. Racing games also get an honorable mention, with titles like Gran Turismo and Real Racing 3 still attracting a devoted core of racing fans and keeping them interested with regular updates.

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